Unique Value &
Experience Journey Creator

Our services

DreamVok is the first spin-off innovation design consultant company from the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI). We create unique brand experience and value with our customers and redefine business models and game rules for future industry based on design-driven innovation.

Who we are

A Global Design Team with R&D DNA
Lead Innovation through Dechnology Methodology
Outstanding Research, Visualization, and Facilitation Abilities
One-Stop Brand Innovation Service
Expert in the Next 50⁺ Products/Services

Featured Work

Our Clients

Leofoo Tourism Group, Taiwan SKAURA, Ministry of Education, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Tech, Kaohsiung Medical University and other R&D institute: Taiwan Textile Research Institute, Metal Industries Research & Development Centre, Automotive Research & Testing Center, Ship and Ocean Industries R&D Center, Food Industry Research and Development Institute, Development Center for Biotechnology.